Marie Under as the Estonian translator of „The Poems of Yuri Zhivago”


Keywords: Marie Under, Boris Pasternak, Poems of Doctor Zhivago, poetics and strategies of translation

The present article is focused on the first Estonian translation of Doctor Zhivago’s last chapter „The Poems of Yuri Zhivago”. This translation was published in 1960 by the publishing house Vaba Maa in Stockholm shortly after Boris Pasternak was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature (1958). Artur Adson translated the prose, while „The Poems of Yuri Zhivago” were translated by Marie Under.

The article aims to reproduce a succession of some facts related to the translation process and the translation itself with the purpose of helping readers to appreciate this translation as a milestone in Estonian (and also Russian) literary history.

The analysis of the translation reconstructs the aged Under’s understanding of Pasternak, i.e. the translator’s concept of the cycle as a whole, its poems, and some components of the poems.



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