Tõnu Tannberg

Literary and cultural life in Soviet times


Jaan Undusk

Linguistic discourse of Stalinism

Environment and heredity

Elle-Mari Talivee

Depiction of the oil shale industry in Looming magazine between 1940 and 1956

Tõnu Tannberg

“The man can see! Can write!”

The Stalin Prize as a tool for the Sovietization of literary life on the example on Hans Leberecht

Olev Liivik

The literary nomenklatura of Soviet Estonia

CC ECP nomenklatura and the managers of literary life in the Soviet Republic

Tiiu Kreegipuu

Party control over Soviet Estonian literary life in the 1960s on the example of the Writers’ Union

Eve Annuk

Literary consultants at the Writers’ Union of the Estonian SSR as gatekeepers

Tiina Saluvere

Kaarel Ird and Vanemuine in the context of Soviet cultural policy

Johanna Ross

Ridiculous and uncomfortable: Women philologists in late Soviet Estonian culture

Epp Annus

Human being as a natural body

The perceptual worlds of Estonian literature from the 1960s to the 1980s

Anu Raudsepp

Early foreign travel of Soviet Estonian writers during the Khrushchev Thaw in the context of national security policy

Aigi Rahi-Tamm

1960 Estonian Song Festival as a source of unity and division between Estonian communities home and abroad

Maarja Vaino

Literary education in Soviet schools

Elle-Mari Talivee

Concerns and breaking points in natureculture

Our anthropocene

Katre Kikas

Nature in the autobiographical writings of two men born in the mid-19th century

Lydia Risberg, Liina Lindström

Linguistics and language planning in Estonia on the example of case selection patterns of verbs

(Views on the development of Estonian language planning)

Maria Tuulik

Systematic polysemy patterns of Estonian tactile adjectives

Tõnis Parksepp

Struggle over the ages I

Reading Kreutzwald’s „Kalevipoeg” as opposite in meaning to Goethe’s „Faust”

Alena Boganeva, Mare Kõiva

Friends in Life and Death in Belarusian, Russian and Estonian Folklore

Tiiu Jaago

Mothers and daughters in life narratives

Generational conflict or conciliatory negotiation?

Tõnis Parksepp

Struggle over the ages II

How Kreutzwald’s “Kalevipoeg” recreates the meaning of Goethe’s “Faust”

Igor Kotjuh

Barriers to the acceptance of Estonian Russian-language literature in 1918–1940

The case of Igor Severyanin

Liina Saarlo

The other singers

The less active representatives of the runo song tradition

Marja Kallasmaa

Remarks on the age of farm names on the example of Audru

Ene Vainik, Geda Paulsen

Figurative thought during the ”Language crisis of Estonian” in 2020–2022

Kadri Tüür, Lauri Õunapuu

Hidden undercurrents of “The Atlantic Ocean”

Anu Korb, Astrid Tuisk

”Excuse me for bothering you with my Siberian language”

Game descriptions by Rosalie Ottesson in the Estonian Folklore Archives

Eve Annuk, Eret Talviste

Women and prose

A look at Estonian literature from the first decades of the 20th century

Eve Annuk

Women prose writers in cultural history and contemporary Estonian cultural consciousness

Johanna Ross

The modern lady in women’s writing of the 1910s

Mari Niitra

“How beautifully God has created me that I’m allowed to be an Estonian.”

Projections of childhood in realistic children’s prose by female authors in the second half of the 1930s

Taimi Grauberg

Life like algebra

The life and work of Alide Ertel

Kadri Tüür

A woman writing about birds

An ecofeminist excursion into Estonian nature writing

Merlin Kirikal

Decadent writing as feminist practice

The novella ”Aino” by Alma Ostra

Külliki Steinberg

The multipositionality of Marta Sillaots in the first decades of the 20th century

Raili Marling

Despair and morbid vitality in Djuna Barnes’s “Nightwood” and Reed Morn’s “Talented Parasite”

Eret Talviste

Reflections on peace during a train ride, or If Leida Kibuvits and Virginia Woolf had met

Elena Pavlova

Russians versus Russians in contemporary Russian-language Estonian literature

Rebekka Lotman, Maria-Kristiina Lotman, Mihhail Lotman

Sound instrumentation in poems by Artur Alliksaar

Heete Sahkai, Anne Tamm, Anders Holmberg

The word order of Estonian main clause wh-interrogatives

Marie Udam, Joosep Susi, Merilyn Meristo

A Cinderella story

Poetry instruction in Estonian literature education

Taive Särg

The song of creation on the swing of new beginnings

Madis Jürviste

Occupational terms and societal roles in early Estonian lexicography

Janet Laidla

Women in the Society of Estonian Literati


Elisabeth Kaukonen

Who is chairwoman?

Madis Jürviste, Tiina Paet

On the variation of French loanword spellings in Estonian

Ekläär vs ekleer

Santeri Junttila

The origin of Estonian oht and ohter

Lembit Vaba

(raie)lank ‘cutting area’ as a reflection of time and history

Udo Uibo

On the etymology of the dialect word prann ’fringe’

Kristiina Ross

On a concept missing from Estonian and the substitute thereof

Enn Ernits

From feldspar to alder buckthorn and the colour yellow


Karl Pajusalu, Liina Lindström

Interrogations on the Estonian language(s)

Karl and Liina in conversation on the occasion of jubilee birthdays and other oddities

Ott Heinapuu

The liberty of a folklorist to seek a broader understanding

Merili Metsvahi 50

Ott Heinapuu

In search of glimpses into different worlds

Meelis Friedenthal 50

Sirli Zupping

Observing observations in human interaction

Renate Pajusalu 60


Reili Argus

On the training of language editors from the teacher's perspective

Views on the development of Estonian corpus planning

Johanna Ross

On censure and canceling


Inga Sapunjan

A masterful taming of times

Sirje Olesk. Aegade lugu. Kirjanike liit Eesti NSV-s. Tallinn: Eesti Kirjanike Liit, 2022. 303 lk.

Olaf Mertelsmann

A limited perspective on the Writers' Union in the Estonian SSR

Sirje Olesk. Aegade lugu. Kirjanike liit Eesti NSV-s. Tallinn: Eesti Kirjanike Liit, 2022. 303 lk.

Leena Käosaar

How to portray a mother?

Maarja Undusk. Ellen Niit. Heleda mõtte laast. Tallinn: Tammerraamat, 2022. 632 lk.

Jüri Kivimäe

The past on a carousel

Katrin Laur. Tunnistaja. Ajalooline romaan. Tallinn: Hea Lugu, 2022. 830 lk.

Indrek Ojam

On unity and plurality in literary studies, without reser

Arne Merilai. Tõstan titsi taade. Tõlgendavaid kehtestusi 2012–2022. (Studia litteraria Estonica 22.) Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2022. 423 lk.

Merili Metsvahi

Sweet vernal grass, miracle water, and other real things

Reet Hiiemäe, Mare Kõiva. Maarjahein ja imevesi. Pärimuslikud naiste rituaalid Eestis. [Tallinn:] Kirjastus Postimees, 2022. 520 lk.

Paavo Matsin

Welcome back to Tartu, forest dandy!

Mehis Heinsaar. Kadunud hõim. Tallinn: Menu Kirjastus, 2022. 319 lk.

Märt Väljataga

Between the two infinities

Rein Undusk. The Rhetoric of Culture. The Case of Infinity. (oxymora 7.) Tallinn: Under and Tuglas Literature Centre, 2022. 308 lk.

Rein Veidemann

The trinity of Juri Lotman

Juri Lotman. Mida inimesed õpivad. (Eesti mõttelugu 163.) Koostajad Silvi Salupere ja Peeter Torop. Tartu: Ilmamaa, 2022. 383 lk.

Art Leete

Valton’s Finno-Ugric system

Arvo Valton. Soome-ugri minu elus. Tartu: Ilmamaa, 2022. 320 lk.

Brita Melts


Jaak Urmet

The cosmogony of Karl Eduard Sööt

Karl Eduard Sööt. Mu laulud, mu veikesed laulud. Compiled and edited by Õnne Kepp. Tallinn: EKSA, 2022. 711 lk.

Joosep Susi

This seems like Arvi Tavast's kind of book

Anti Saar. Sõnaraamat. Tartu: Kolm Elu, 2022. 149 lk.

Peeter Sauter

Gossip for the literati

Jaan Kaplinski, Kadri Kõusaar. Kirjavahetus 2007–2021. Hea Lugu, 2023. 304 lk.

Ott Heinapuu

They even knew the fog, or Boreal folk tale

Ilmaveere jutud. Valik põlisrahvaste pajatusi. Rendered and commended by Nuga Soopealt (Lauri Sommer). Kaarnakivi Seltsi Kirjastus, 2023. 270 lk.

Boris Veizenen

"Between Fatherland and mother-tongue" – an exploratory autobiography

Isamaa ja emakeele vahel. Etüüde Eesti venekeelsest nüüdiskirjandusest. (Etüüde nüüdiskultuurist 10.) Compiled and edited by Igor Kotjuh, Aare Pilv ja Piret Viires. Tallinn: Nüüdiskultuuri uurimise töörühm, 2022. 232 lk.

Kai Võlli

20 years of advancement of linguistic thought in Krista Kerge’s work

Krista Kerge. Sõna, see piisake meres. Valik kirjutisi 1998–2019. (Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Emakeele Seltsi toimetised 80.) Tallinn: Emakeele Selts, 2022. 339 lk.

Janika Kronberg, Brita Melts, Vivian Siirman, Tiina Hallik


Saara Lotta Linno

The controversial Wimberg through the eyes of Generation Buratino

Wimberg. Just praegu. Tallinn: J&U, 2021. 124 lk.; Wimberg. Enne kui. Tallinn: J&U, 2022. 214 lk.

Kristiina Ross

A brief description cannot but fall short

Balthasar Russow. Liivimaa provintsi kroonika. Tõlkinud ja kommenteerinud Jüri Kivimäe. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2022. 472 lk.

Aado Lintrop

Dated religion

Tõnno Jonuks. Eesti muinasusundid. Tallinn: Postimees, 2022. 399 lk.

Elo-Hanna Seljamaa

Identity, history and memory work in historic Ingria

Ingerimaa mälupaigad: järjepidevus ja katkestus. Ingrian Memory Sites: Continuity and Discontinuity. (Eesti Akadeemilise Ingerimaa Seltsi ja Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu toimetised 1.) Koostanud Piret Lotman, Taisto-Kalevi Raudalainen, Ergo-Hart Västrik. Eesti Akadeemiline Ingerimaa Selts, Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu, 2022. 216 lk.

Renate Pajusalu

A study of children’s language and environment

Andra Kütt. 5−8-aastaste eesti laste keeleline areng ja selle seos keelelise kasvukeskkonnaga. (Tallinna Ülikooli humanitaarteaduste dissertatsioonid 76.) Tallinn: Tallinna Ülikool, 2023. 255 lk.

Janika Kronberg


Toomas Haug

A dose of Ormusson nostalgia

Mäng ja melanhoolia. Friedebert Tuglase romaan „Felix Ormusson”. (Moodsa eesti kirjanduse seminar 3.) Compiled and edited by Mirjam Hinrikus and Jaan Undusk. Tallinn: Underi ja Tuglase Kirjanduskeskus, 2022. 341 lk.

Rogier Blokland

A weighty tome, in every sense: A new handbook of Uralic linguistics

Marianne Bakró-Nagy, Johanna Laakso, Elena Skribnik (eds.). The Oxford Guide to the Uralic Languages. (Oxford Guides to the World’s Languages.) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. 1184 lk.

Boris Veizenen

From sirens to flashes

Igor Kotjuh. Sireenid ja sähvatused. Translated from Russian and written in Estonian by the author. Paide: Kite, 2022. 144 lk.

Pille-Riin Larm

Memories of wonderful people

Viivi Luik. Kuldne kroon. Tallinn: EKSA, 2023. 296 lk.; Lauri Sommer. Toome tuled. 2015–2021. Tallinn: Menu, 2022. 320 lk.

Valner Valme

Veidemann's Mission: Impossible

Rein Veidemann. Järjehoidja. Valik arvustusi, loomingulisi portreid, kaas­kajasid, järelehüüdeid eesti kirjasõnaväljalt 2000–2022. Koostanud ja toimetanud Mari Klein. Tallinn: EKSA, 2022. 773 lk.

Art Leete

Lintrop’s memory journey through Finno-Ugric countries

Aado Lintrop. Soome-ugri reisid. Tartu: EKM Teaduskirjastus, 2022. 336 lk.

Cornelius Hasselblatt

The joy of reading and studying

Tiit Hennoste. Ilo ja elu. Valitud artikleid 2005–2021. (Studia litteraria Estonica 23.) Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2022. 385 lk.

Brita Melts, Johanna Ross, Ott Heinapuu 


Merlin Kirikal

A longing for motherly radiance

Carolina Pihelgas. Vaadates ööd. Kaksik­hammas, 2022. 296 lk.

Marju Lauristin

Ten paces through a century of Looming

Tiit Hennoste. Kuldsete lehtede peal. „Loomingu” kirjanduslugu. Tallinn: SA Kultuurileht, 2023. 335 lk.

Brita Melts


Imbi Paju. Kirjanduskliinik. Mida tähendab olla inimene. [Tallinn:] Kirjastus Gallus, 2023. 317 lk.

Leena Käosaar

Degree of (dis)consolation

Lilli Luuk. Minu venna keha. [Tallinn:] Hea Lugu, 2022. 182 lk.

Mart Kuldkepp

Tammsaare and war

A. H. Tammsaare. Sõjamõtted. (Eesti mõttelugu 170.) Tartu: Ilmamaa, 2023. 270 lk.

Kristel Kivari

A national horror reader

Marju Kõivupuu. Eesti mütoloogia algajale. Jumalatest ja hiidudest tontide, näkkide ja muude õudasjadeni. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2023. 383 lk.

Tõnis Parksepp

How to talk about poetry and why?

Mart Velsker. Luulejutud. Tekste aastatest 1994–2020. (Studia litteraria Estonica 21.) Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2022. 463 lk.

Pirkko Nuolijärvi

Presentation of foreign words in Estonian dictionaries

Tiina Paet. Võõrainese kinnistumine eesti keeles: keelekorralduslik ja leksikograafiline vaade. (Dissertationes philologiae estonicae Universitatis Tartuensis 51.) Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2023. 259 lk.

Janika Kronberg, Ott Heinapuu



Väino Klaus

In memory of Tiit-Rein Viitso (4 March 1938 – 2 December 2022)

KK 3/2023


Jüri Viikberg

In memoriam Helju Kaal

(6. III 1930 – 19. I 2023)

KK 4/2023


Valts Ernštreits

Awakening of Livonian legacy in Latvia

KK 5/2023

Short chronicles

KK 5/2023

Defended doctoral theses

Ott Heinapuu

Literature and language belong to the core of Estonian heritage

The Ministry of Culture launches a heritage barometer

KK 6/2023

Short chronicles

KK 7/2023

Short chronicles

Ljubov Kisseljova

In memory of Malle Salupere (17. II 1931 – 8. VI 2023)

Johanna Ross

The man who had a monopoly on recollection of the Soviet times

Aksel Tamm (23. XII 1931 – 15. VIII 2023)

KK 10/2023

Short chronicles

KK 11/2023

Short chronicles

KK 11/2023

Defended doctoral theses

Tiina Ann Kirss

In memoriam Rutt Hinrikus (7. V 1946 – 29. X 2023)

KK 12/2023

Short chronicles

KK 12/2023

Defended doctoral theses