Räägiks lingvistikast


It is discussed how knowledge about language and its functioning is or could be applied to fields where language professionals are active (teaching languages and cultures, translation, lexicography, editing and other communication advisory, media-analysis, terminology, language technology, etc.). All these professionals work for others to succeed in verbal communication.
On the background, the effects of globalization and formation of cross-cultural identity groups within society are discussed. In all these new groups beyond a traditional opaque language society, English is used as a lingua franca. According to Lotman’s (1984) theory, semiosis and development of human cognition, knowledge, and cultural values never take place in the centre of a semiosphere but only in the common periphery of at least two of them. In this process, a new centre of the two is developed. This means that in the future, a very small language community (such as Estonian) cannot really expect to retain a common cultural centre and common polyfunctional language to keep the community and its education up to date. On the other hand, similar processes are taking place all over Europe, incl. among scientists strongly feeling the pressure of having to be both international and of a school (the SIG-effect). By the advancement of multi- and plurilinguality, there are also signals to be worried about individuals and thus for the stable future of European society.


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