Schoolboy acts of resistance to the policy of Russification in Tartu in the early 1900s


Keywords: policy of Russification in the Russian Empire, repressions and resistance, public city school of Tartu, memorial evenings for Koidula and Veske, Friedebert Tuglas, Gustav Suits

The article describes some remarkable events that took place in Tartu in 1902 and 1903, when young students under the leadership of Gustav  Suits and Friedebert Tuglas assisted by the local Estonian societies VanemuineTaara, and Karskuse sõber /Friend of Abstinence/ organised special literary evenings to celebrate the memory of Lydia Koidula and Mihkel Veske, the great figures of the Estonian people. This was a protest of youth against the policy of Russification, an action marking the beginning of a new phase of Estonian national movement. Using various sources, including some new material discovered in the archives, the article reconstructs the stories of how those evenings were prepared and what repressions followed. It is revealed that the information was leaked by the city school inspector, who was eager to win his spurs and move on careerwise. The authorities, however, were reluctant to make a big deal out of the incident and so the affair ended relatively peacefully. The young rebels were able to graduate with success, while the above incident turned out to be a prologue to their further fight for a free Estonia.

Ljubov Kisseljova (b. 1950), PhD, University of Tartu, Ordinary Professor of Russian Literature (Ülikooli 18, 50090 Tartu), Head of the Department of Slavic Studies, ljubov.kisseljova@ut.ee



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