Homelessness in one’s own home as reflected in Peeter Sauter’s oeuvre


Keywords: homelessness, phenomenology, existential feelings, Peeter Sauter

The article analyses a feeling of being homeless in one’s own home, a feeling experienced without a clear problem or compelling reason. The study rests on a phenomenological approach to homelessness. Part One of the article describes such experience of homelessness as depicted by Peeter Sauter by using his protagonists’s inner voice, which is followed by an analysis of the spatial, intersubjective and operational aspects of the experience. Part Two deals with a homeless, estranged subjectivity and how such a subject defines its position in the universe. Part Three discusses the strategies used by the protagonists to cope with their permanent condition of feeling homeless, which leads to the analysis of writing as one of the main coping strategies in Part Four. In Part Five the condition of Sauter’s protagonist is interpreted by means of the concept of existential feelings, with brief reference to some other possible interpretations. The analysis demonstrates that the main condition of Sauter’s I-figures is feeling homeless in their own home, a persistent failure of the experiential horizons meant to ensure a smooth flow of the everyday life. In Sauter’s main characters that condition is accompanied by a rationally unfounded conviction that the world is accidental, life is meaningless and lack of signification runs deep in language. And yet Sauter’s characters do not abandon this meaningless life, but persist in suffering from existential feelings and pining for home.

Leo Luks (b. 1976), PhD, Estonian University of Life Sciences (Fr. R. Kreutzwaldi 1, 51006 Tartu), Associate Professor of Philosophy; Herbert Masing School, Tartu, Teacher of Philosophy, leoluks@hot.ee


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