Word order in Estonian des-, mata- and maks-converb constructions


Keywords: syntax, word order, semantics, grammatical semantics, Estonian des-construction, Estonian mata-construction, Estonian maks-construction.

The relatively free Estonian word order is formed under the combined impact of certain pragmatic and syntactic principles: the word order is based on sentence information structure, but is also organized by the V2 constraint (see Tael 1988; Lindström 2017). Although there is extensive research on Estonian word order (see, e.g., Remmel 1963; Tael 1988; Lindström 2005), the word order in secondary constructions has not been studied in detail (except Martõkainen 2015). The article discusses the variation of word order in standard Estonian converb constructions, i.e. in the des-mata- and maks-constructions functioning as free modifiers. The focus lies on two relevant characteristics: the position of the converb in the construction and the position of the construction in relation to the main clause. A converb can be located at the beginning, end or middle of a construction or stand alone, while a converb construction can be found before, after or within the main clause. Structural and functional factors of variation are analysed. Also discussed are the relationship between the locations of the converb and the converb construction, as well as the relationship of either location with the following four features: (1) the basic and (2) secondary function of the construction (see Simmul 2018), (3) the length of the construction and (4) the infinitive marker of the converb (-des, –maks or –mata). The approach is usage-based. The 1801 sentences chosen for containing a converb construction have been analysed using the methods of classification tree and random forest.

The study revealed that the location of the converb construction mainly depends on the basic and secondary functions of the construction, notably, the constructions with the basic function of concomitance tend to be located after the main clause, whereas the constructions with the basic function of time typically come before the main clause. The constructions with the secondary function of purpose, result, speci­fication, or contrast tend to be found after the main clause. Also, the after position is preferred by longer constructions as well as those starting with the converb. The position of the converb in the construction mainly depends on the position, length and secondary function of the construction. The before position of the converb is favoured by secondary functions such as concession, purpose, cause, result and specification, as well as a greater length of the construction and its position after the main clause.

Carl Eric Simmul (b. 1991), PhD Student, University of Tartu (Jakobi 2, 51005 Tartu), simmulman@gmail.com



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