Keywords: exile, Estonian exile literature, Estonian diaspora, correspondence, home
Writer Valev Uibopuu (1913–1997) lived in exile from 1943 until his death. During the whole exile period he held an active correspondence, especially with Estonians living in Estonia and with members of the Estonian diaspora, as well as with his first wife Tuuli Reijonen, who lived in Finland. These letters lay the foundation to this article, which is focused on his changing experience of home in exile. Thus I tried to find out what home meant to Uibopuu, how his concept of home developed in exile and how Uibopuu began to feel at home in Sweden, what kind of desires he related to home, how these desires were realized and what kind of senses of belonging and being an outsider he felt in exile. The hermeneutic approach has helped me to go through the letters.
Uibopuu lived in several apartments during his exile years. He lived in Stockholm metropolitan area until 1954 when he moved to Lund after a short stay in Helsinki. In Lund he lived until his death. During the first years in exile Uibopuu’s home was mentally still in Estonia, while home in Sweden meant above all a concrete dwelling providing a roof over his head, shelter and safety. But during the decades-long refugeehood the new and unfamiliar situation developed into a secure and familiar one. Home, which before refugeeness had been clearly in Southern Estonia, was divided into three different areas of life (which though were bundled together): home in Sweden (private apartment, wife, work, everyday life and Estonian diaspora), home in South-Estonia based on nostalgic memories (years before the Soviet period, family, relatives, landscapes of South-Estonia, private family house) and the Republic of Estonia after regaining its independence (national community and Estonian cultural milieu – something Uibopuu fought for all through the exile years and the things on which he built his national identity). Besides these three areas of home, Finland became an important place too (his first wife, friends, the Finnish language).
So Uibopuu’s homes were made up of places, social relationships, identities, memories and stories. While in exile, Uibopuu had to reflect on his place and meaning of home more than he would have done back in Estonia, which led to a keener awareness of the notion.
Anna Hukka (b. 1989), MA, University of Helsinki, doctoral student of History and Cultural Heritage (Yliopistonkatu 3, 00014 Helsinki),
Eesti Kirjandusmuuseum, Eesti Kultuurilooline Arhiiv (EKM EKLA):
f 341, m 60:27. Eesti Kirjanike Kooperatiivi kirjavahetus. Kirjad Valev Uibopuult 8. X 1950 – 5. IX 1975.
f 356, m 1:1. Valev Uibopuu kirjad Roland Aabelile 10. IX 1968 – 19. XI 1988.
f 356, m 2:23. Valev Uibopuu kirjad Erika Aland-Vernikule 28. VIII 1985 – 22. VIII 1996.
f 356, m 5:9. Valev Uibopuu kirjad Benita Eisenschmidtile 12. II 1971 – 21. X 1996.
f 356, m 8:17. Valev Uibopuu kirjad Maimu Hallingule 3. IX 1988 – 6. XII 1996.
f 356, m 14:6. Valev Uibopuu kirjad Oskar Kruusile 24. I 1969 – 17. XI 1996.
f 356, m 20:7. Valev Uibopuu kirjad Endel Mallenele 30. IX 1988 – 3. X 1996.
f 356, m 20:15. Valev Uibopuu kirjad Aksel Mark’ile 23. IV 1966 – 12. VI 1995.
f 356, m 22:21. Valev Uibopuu kirjad Jüri Naaritsale 18. XI 1988 – 3. XII 1996.
f 356, m 24:6. Valev Uibopuu kirjad Eino Parikkale 7. XI 1956 – 21. I 1972.
f 356, m 26:4. Valev Uibopuu kirjad Anna Pärsimägi’le 4. I 1943 – 31. VIII 1984.
f 356, m 29:11. Valev Uibopuu kirjad Heiti Roht’ile 25. III 1981 – 17. XI 1996.
f 356, m 29:12. Valev Uibopuu kirjad Marta Roht’ile 10. X 1964 – 7. V 1973.
f 356, m 30:17. Valev Uibopuu kirjad Alide Sapkowskile 27. IX 1959 – 25. V 1980.
f 356, m 30:43. Valev Uibopuu kirjad Juhan Sinimäele 1. VII 1969 – 6. XII 1984.
f 356, m 34:4. Valev Uibopuu kirjad Eerik Tederile 2. I 1973 – 6. IV 1996.
f 356, m 35:2. Valev Uibopuu kirjad Aare Tiisvälile 2. I 1989 – 10. XI 1996.
f 356, m 35:5. Valev Uibopuu kirjad Ülo Tontsile 3. X 1990 – 10. IX 1996.
f 356, m 36:13. Valev Uibopuu kirjad Emilie Uibopuule 2. V 1957 – 29. IV 1965.
Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran Arkisto, Kirjallisuuden ja kulttuurihistorian kokoelma (SKS KIA):
Tuuli Reijosen arkisto, kirjekokoelmat 1387–1388, Valev Uibopuun kirjeet Tuuli Reijoselle.
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