Jaak Põldmäe’s contribution from a comparative perspective


Keywords: verse prosody, Estonian verse typology, Russian versification studies, Jaak Põldmäe, Andrei Kolmogorov, Mikhail Gasparov

The article addresses the contribution of Jaak Põldmäe (1942–1979), former Assistant Professor of the University of Tartu, to the knowledge of Estonian versification. Before Jaak Põldmäe’s innovative studies, Estonian verse had been analysed within individual systems, without even wondering about the possible number and internal articulation of such systems. Jaak Põldmäe managed to answer both the questions, also demonstrating that a purely quantitative verse is not marginal at all, and that free verse is far from anarchic inside. To reach these results, he carefully studied the relevant articles by mathematician Andrei Kolmogorov and student of antiquity Mikhail Gasparov, in addition to the whole metric experience contemptuously called formalist by the devout Soviet Russian scholars.

Peeter Olesk (b. 1953), Advisor of the Rector of the Estonian University of Life Sciences, prouadoktor@gmail.com



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