Tiina Laansalu, Johanna Ross, Kristiina Ross

Chances of small languages in literature, culture and society


Hasso Krull

The cosmos of the language and the language of the cosmos

Karsten Brüggemann

Glocal Estonia?

On the imperial dimension of a small culture under Tsarist rule

Jüri Kivimäe

Language and history

Writing the Estonian past in Estonian

Kristiina Ross

The playground for Estonian in the early modern times

Gerson Klumpp

There is no such thing as a small language

Petar Kehayov, Denis Kuzmin

The Kolvitsa dialect of Karelian

Idiolect variation in a dying language

Riitta-Liisa Valijärvi, Rogier Blokland

Aspects of Meänkieli from a grammaticographical perspective

Máirín Nic Eoin

The realm of the improbable

Contemporary literature in Irish in local and global context

Saara Lotta Linno, Liina Lukas

Multilingualism in Estonian poetry

Kadri Tüür

Estonian dialect primers

Living in the chronotope of idyll

Kerttu Rozenvalde, Birute Klaas-Lang

Which language to use?

The role of language policy in shaping the language choices of students and academic workers

Sven-Erik Soosaar

On the concepts of indigenous people and indigenous language in Estonia and in international context

Jaak Prozes

Finno-Ugric peoples facing new challenges


Marju Kõivupuu

The epic stories of Kalev´s boy now also in the Võru language

Fr. R. Kreutzwald. Kalõvipoig. Ümberpandja Kalla Urmas; toimõndaja Kuuba Rainer; kokkosäädjä’ Hollo Aimi ja Kuuba Rainer; keelenõvvo andja Jüvä Sullõv. Võru Instituut, 2022


Eva Saar

A nice bulky collection of South-Estonian studies

Kopsakas kogumikutäis Lõuna-Eesti uuringuid

KK 8-9/2022
