The shifting relationship between discourse analysis and quantification in the English- and French-language tradition


Keywords: discourse analysis, formalisation, text corpora, lexicometry

The article gives a historical overview of discussions within the Anglophone and French traditions of linguistic discourse analysis about the formalisation and quantification of text data. We begin with the first steps towards the formalisation of text analysis, derived from the work of Zellig Harris (1952). Then we consider the lexical interpretation of Harris’ work by the French lexicometric school and in a more syntax-based and critically engaged approach developed by Michel Pêcheux (1969). In contrast to the quantitative methods, we discuss qualitative approaches to discourse analysis within the humanities more generally (Michel Foucault) and specifically within linguistics (M. A. K. Halliday, Critical Discourse Analysis). Considering recent trends and discussions on the impact of Big Data on text analysis, we come to the conclusion that discourse analysis has evolved to appreciate the complementary use of quantitative and qualitative methods.

Marge Käsper (b. 1973), PhD, University of Tartu, Lecturer in French Language and Linguistics, marge.kasper@ut.ee

Raili Marling (b. 1973), PhD, University of Tartu, Professor of English, raili.marling@ut.ee


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