Helen Türk, Eva Liina Asu, Pärtel Lippus, Ellen Niit

Diphthongs and triphthongs in the Kihnu variety of Estonian

Ljubov Kisseljova

A Baltic German novel and its author

Heiki-Jaan Kaalep

Is Google a mono- or disyllabic word in Estonian?

Liina Lukas

Herder on language and literature

A follow-up of the latest symposium on Baltic literary culture

Antoine Chalvin

Les voyageurs francophones en Estonie des origines à 1990

Mirjam Ruutma, Aki-Juhani Kyröläinen, Maarja-Liisa Pilvik, Kristel Uiboaed

Descriptions of the morphosyntactic variation of ambipositions by means of quantitative profiles

Ene-Reet Soovik

Kaplinski’s far-away spaces

Maarja Vaino

The psychoanalytical Unt

Siim Antso, Kadri Koreinik, Karl Pajusalu

Estonian dialects in the mirror of the last Estonian census

Rebekka Lotman

In exile and in the shadows

August Pihlak, the king of sonnets

Helle Metslang

Long strides in Estonian linguistics

A written interview with Mati Erelt

Cornelius Hasselblatt

Funktionsweisen des literarischen Feldes am Beispiel der deutschen Rezeption von Jaan Kross

Allan Puur, Leen Rahnu, Jaak Valge

The Estonian language in the winds of immigration (I)

A demographic retrospective on 1989–2011 and a look forward

Indrek Ojam, Jaak Tomberg

On the autonomy of bodily present in the aesthetics of literary realism

Jan Kaus

The novel contests of this millennium as an important springboard

Reet Hiiemäe

Images of afterlife in traditional texts

From event to text

Allan Puur, Leen Rahnu, Jaak Valge

The Estonian language in the winds of immigration (II)

A demographic retrospective on 1989–2011 and a look forward

Maire Raadik

The initial letter of historical events – a retrospect

Kristiina Ross

Udo Uibo: A linguist with a bohemian work style

Leo Luks

‘Bare life’ in camp memoirs and in the prose of Jaan Oks

Maarja-Liisa Pilvik

Olema + Vmine constructions in Estonian dialects

Anneli Kõvamees

Russia as experienced by Johannes Barbarus

The case of a travelogue

Vilve Asmer

Collectors’ work at the Estonian Archive of Cultural History

Arne Merilai

Sly Ain and the Old Heathen

Literary marginalia in the Noorus magazine of the 1960s, Part I

Ljubov Kisseljova

Official patriotism or national thinking?

Friedrich Nikolai Russow’s and Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald’s texts inspired by the Crimean War

Geda Paulsen

On peripheral causativity

Eve Annuk

Illness and yearning

Lilli Suburg’s winding path of life

Joel Sang

Disintegrating? Not disintegrating?

Martin Ehala

Re-philology and its three components

Tiit Hennoste

Liberation of philology from Excel

The programme of a Cubo-Futurist Neo-Philology

Mati Hint

Measurements do not create a theory

Ülo Valk

Disintegration or renewal of folkloristics?

Some philological perspectives

Kristiina Ross

Hymn translations and the history of Estonian philology

Arne Merilai

Deictic close reading

Märt Väljataga

On tense and consciousness

Tense and the centre of orientation in Estonian complement clauses

Eva Velsker, Mart Velsker

Return of the South Estonian language into literary prose

Marek Tamm

The return to philology

An American view

Irina Belobrovtseva

Marie Under as the Estonian translator of „The Poems of Yuri Zhivago”

Kairit Kaur

Eine Reise, zwei Tagebücher

Über die Europa-Reise Anna Sophie und Gustav von Stackelbergs in den Jahren 1797–1799

Taavi Pae, Madli-Johanna Maidla, Erki Tammiksaar

The question of municipality names in the Estonian municipality reform of the 1930s

Neeme Lopp

Antihumanism without reserve

The function of jokes and the dimension of destruction in the recent poetry of (:)kivisildnik

Linnar Priimägi

Philology that is no more

Janek Kraavi

On the poetics of transgressive literature (I)

Some examples from contemporary Estonian literature

Andra Rumm

Wh-questions in Estonian everyday conversation

Anu Korb

Letters from Estonians in Siberia

Contacts with homeland and continuation of fieldwork

Hasso Krull

Oskar Loorits and perspectivism

Martin Ehala, Kadri Koreinik

The competence and use of Estonian as a second language

Addenda to the census data

Janek Kraavi

On the poetics of transgressive literature (II)

Case study: Kaur Kender’s „Untitled 12”


Iris Metsmägi

Two younger loanwords in Estonian

Mati Rahu

What to do with the Estonian term suremus ‘mortality’?

Lembit Vaba

The crazy idea of etymologising plant names

adru (Fucus vesiculosus)


Maarja Vaino

„Truth and Justice” was not written by Shakespeare

The 90th anniversary of the publication of Part One of A. H. Tammsaare’s novel


Rein Veidemann

The fading world of epistolaries

Joel Sang

Adaptation and domestication of words

Johanna Ross

Horizon conferences

The charm and pain of interdisciplinarity


Elle-Mari Talivee, Anneli Mihkelev

Friedebert Tuglas’s speech on Latvian Writers’ Day at the Riga Latvian Society House on May 31, 1940


Janika Kronberg

Antiques and old things, fieldwork and collection of cultural heritage material

Kaarina Rein

Some practical aspects of learning theological Latin

Piret Viires

Estonian philology alive and kicking

Inna Jürjo, Lea Kõiv, Janet Laidla, Mati Laur, Anu Mänd, Aivar Põldvee, Anti Selart

Fall of Pearl

More on the capitalization of historical events in Estonian

Küllike Kaplinski

Lindenes revisited 40 years later


Eve Annuk

Mari Saat in light and shadow

Andrus Org

Two textbooks of literature by Jan Kaus

Lembit Vaba

A book of winds and storms

Tiit Hennoste

Decorating a turtle with diamonds: Marie Underi „Sonetid” – the languid poetry of an age of decadence

Joel Sang

Thus spoke Kivisildnik

Silvi Salupere

When word was deed: On a selection of Russian Formalist texts

Mare Kalda

The deep meaning of looking over the fence

Anne Lill

Learning Latin for theology

Sirje Olesk

Personal, if not too much so

Ivika Hein

A critical look at textbooks as the main genre of post-modern literary education

Art Leete

Komis: A mythological surprise

Piret Lotman

Words written by candlelight now open for examination

Paavo Matsin

The end of the Crocs world

Armin Kõomägi. Lui Vutoon. Tuum, 2015. 286 lk.

Aivar Põldvee

On the Estonian translation of „Eibofolke oder die Schweden an den Küsten Ehstlands und auf Runö” by Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Russwurm

Carl Rußwurm. Eibofolke ehk rootslased Eestimaa randadel ja Ruhnus. Tõlkinud Ivar Rüütli. Toimetanud Saale Kareda, Tiina Hallik. Eestirootsi Akadeemia, 2015. 789 lk.

Aivar Jürgenson

The magic social realism of Siberia

Roosi Siberi lood. Eesti asundused VII. Koostanud ja toimetanud Anu Korb. Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi Teaduskirjastus, 2015. 304 lk.

Mart Velsker

A poetess and her metamorphoses

Mari Vallisoo. Mälestusi maailmast 1966–2013. Ilmamaa, 2015. 623 lk.

Rein Veidemann

Any bog can support an island or two. About the voluminous correspondence between Uku Masing and Toomas Paul

Uku Masing, Toomas Paul. Usalda ennast. Koostanud ja toimetanud Mari-Liis Tammiste. Ilmamaa, 2015. 494 lk.

Inga Sapunjan

Balancing things with a rifle. On a selective collection of literary articles by Jaak Urmet

Jaak Urmet. Vintpüss kõrval. Valitud kirjandusloolisi artikleid. Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 2015. 432 lk.

Mall Jõgi, Brita Melts, Johanna Ross


Arne Merilai

Positivist nostalgia

Toomas Haug. Tagasi Troojamäele. 30 kirjatööd ja interluudium. Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 2015. 488 lk.

Õnne Kepp

Jüri Talvet’s quest for symbiosis as the light of love

Jüri Talvet. Luulest. Studia litteraria Estonica 16. Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2015. 447 lk.

Katre Kikas

An enjoyable book about the adventures of Leiger, the hero of Hiiumaa

Jegard Kõmmus. Iiu Leiger. Emasde Söruotsa murragus loodud muisdendide sari Iiuma vägimihesd Leigrisd. Teine, täiendatud ja parandatud trükk. Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi Teaduskirjastus, 2015. 108 lk.

Jüri Viikberg

A rebirth of the dictionary of the Eastern dialect

Valdek Pall. Idamurde sõnastik. 2., täiendatud ja parandatud trükk. Toimetanud Ellen Niit. Eesti Keele Instituut. Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 2016. 352 lk.

Janika Kronberg

A clear view from afar

Cornelius Hasselblatt. Eemalt vaadates. Veerand sajandit eesti kirjandusega. Studia litteraria Estonica 15. Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2015. 511 lk.

Ene-Reet Soovik

How to portray Kaplinski

Thomas Salumets. Kujuneda sunnita: mõtestades Jaan Kaplinskit. Tõlkinud Kersti Unt. Varrak, 2016. 277 lk.

Mihkel Kunnus

A local cure for the global hangover

Lembit Vaba

A reliable guide to Latvian toponymy

Laimute Balode, Ojārs Bušs. No Abavas līdz Zilupei. Vietvārdu cilmes īsā vārdnīca. Zin. red. S. Rapa. From Abava to Zilupe. The origin of Latvian geographical names. Scientific editor S. Rapa. A short dictionary. Latviešu valodas aģentūra, 2015. 303 lk.

Arno Oja

Estonian literary history home again

Cornelius Hasselblatt. Eesti kirjanduse ajalugu. Heuremata. Humanitaarteaduslikke monograafiaid. Saksa keelest tõlkinud Mari Tarvas, Maris Saagpakk, Ave Mattheus. Tallinn–Tartu, 2016

Aive Mandel

A sad novel with a bright motto

Kai Aareleid. Linnade põletamine. Tallinn, 2016

Enn Ernits

An in-depth work on the place names, history and legends of a parish

Lemming Rootsmäe, Ilse Rootsmäe. Võnnu kihelkonna kohanimed ja minevik. Eesti Rahvaluule Arhiivi toimetused 34. Tartu–Võru, 2016

Brita Melts

Mehis Heinsaar’s languid walks back to point zero

Mehis Heinsaar. Unistuste tappev kasvamine. Jutte ja novelle, muinasjutte ja nägemusi siit- ja sealtpoolt Eestimaa teid. Tallinn, 2016

Katre Kaju

On poetics with passion and purpose

Methis. Studia humaniora Estonica 16, 2015. Poeetika erinumber. Koostanud Arne Merilai ja Maria-Kristiina Lotman

Tiiu Jaago

Life and fairytale

Metsavaimu heategu. Sada eesti muinasjuttu metsast ja meist. Välja valinud ja ümber pannud Risto Järv. Pildid joonistanud Kadri Roosi. Tallinn, 2016

Mall Jõgi, Brita Melts, Johanna Ross


Mart Velsker

Big and small

Meelis Friedenthal. Inglite keel. Tallinn, 2016, 208 lk.

Mirjam Hinrikus

How to define the irrational

Maarja Vaino. Tammsaare irratsionaalsuse poeetika. Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 2016. 258 lk.

Satu Grünthal

A fresh view of Bernard Kangro

Maarja Hollo. Romantiline subjekt, mälu ja trauma Bernard Kangro sõjajärgses loomingus. (Dissertationes litterarum et contemplationis comparativae Universitatis Tartuensis 12.) Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2016. 193 lk.

Krista Kerge

An onomasiological approach to word formation

Reet Kasik. Sõnamoodustus. (Eesti keele varamu 1.) Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2015. 424 lk.


Neeme Näripä

A word on empathy

Märt Väljataga

When the word was mistaken

Lembit Vaba

The roots of a sensational „mistake”


Cornelius Hasselblatt, Jaan Undusk